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(Refereed/Peer-Reviewed Submitted)


Chu, H-E., Martin, S., & Park, J.  (Under review). A culture and arts integrated STEM project: Cultivating a bilateral relationship between Australia and Korea, EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SSCI, IF: 0.8).


Conference Papers


Koo, H.K., Chu, H.E., Martin, S., & Choe, S.E. (August 2017). Exploring the Influence of Students’ Science Capital on Scientific Modelling Process and Conceptual Understanding. Poster presentation submitted to the bi-annual meeting of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Dublin, Ireland, August 21-25, 2017. 

Park, J., Chu, H.E., & Martin, S. (August, 2017). Examining Intercultural Arts Integrated STEM Program. Oral presentation submitted to the bi-annual meeting of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Dublin, Ireland, August 21-25, 2017




Invited Talks

Chu, H-E. (January 2018). An evaluation of arts integrated STEM (STEAM) program using an interactive digital platform to enhance interdisciplinary and intercultural teaching and learning in the science classroom. Invited guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Korean Association for Science Education International Conference “Beyond the classroom: Expanding the boundaries of science education”, Seoul, Korean, January 25-27. 2018.

Chu, H-E. (December 2016). Arts integrated STEM program. Invited speaker at the biannual meeting of the Integrated Science Education Centre Seminar “Social responsibility, integrated science education and sustainable development education”, Dankook Univeristy, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, December 20, 2016.

Chu, H-E. (December 2016). STEM education in Australia. Invited key presenter in the symposium in Asia, History, Philosophy of Science and Teaching (Asia HIPST) 2016 conference, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, December 15-18, 2016.

Chu, H-E. Martin, S., Choi, S.E., Koo, H., & Mgbemene, S. (September, 2016). Intercultural Project on STEAM Education. Invited presentation to the Australia-Korean School Linkages Workshop hosted by the Australian Embassy, Seoul, Republic of Korea, and September 23, 2016.


Awards & Scholarship

Outstanding Poster Presentation Award, HU-SNU-NTNU-KU (Hokkaido University, Seoul National University, National Taiwan University, Kasetsart University) Joint Symposium for Science Education.

This research paper below, which I am co-authored, was judged the ‘most outstanding poster presentation’ at the 2016 HU-SNU-NTNU-KU symposium.

Koo, H-K, Choe, S-U, Chu, H-E. (September 2016). Exploring the influence of Korean and Australian students’ science capital on conceptual understanding and modeling process’, Seoul National University, Korean, 9 December 2016.