Student Testimonial
We asked students in Korean and Australia to reflect back on their experience during the program.
Here is their feedback!
What Do You Think About The ISP Program?
“It provided us free exploration, it allowed me to practise summarising… I won’t forget this lesson for a long time, I will remember a lot of things I got taught.”
“It was new, we usually have a subject teacher who teachers each subject. It was amazing to learn as a new subject and in such a new way”
“It was good to talk with other students and listen to their feedback,
I would recommend this class to junior, firstly it’s fun! So, it makes class interesting, secondly you learn more than you learn in science!”
How Was Science Concepts During ISP Lessons?
“I wasn’t interested in light at all. I thought it was just a unit to learn and pass but after this lesson I became very interested in light”
“After learning about the principles, it taught me to think and see more”
What Did You Learn From Interaction With Australian Students
“I thought it was hard to communicate, but it was okay because our teachers could help and use google translate.”
“Even if we can’t communicate I think it is important to understand culture because they are all different”
"It was important to meet the Australian students so we would know that we were learning the same thing, I would not have known the meaning of this lesson without it. I think it is better to development of the relationship between Australia and Korean if we meet the students and exchange directly”
Classroom Activity Gallery

![Lees.class_cam1_3_1(1037)[During making plastic pyramid, which line is cuted or is folded].png](

![Lees.class_cam1_6_2(0232)[Using plastic pyramid, they are looking 3D image].png](

![Lees.class_cam1_6_3(1600)[watching 3D image].png](

![Lees.class_cam2_4_1(0058)[Watching 3D image].png](

![Lees.class_Cam2_2_2(2004)[Filling in worksheet that let sudents draw Australia].png](

![Lees.class_Cam2_2_2(2004)[Filling in worksheet that let sudents draw Australia].png](