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Teacher Testimonial

We asked teachers in Korean and Australia to reflect back on their experience during the program.  

Here is their feedback!


In year 6, science is relatively difficult, students sometimes do not show their interests.  However, it was totally different this time!

Through the intercultural STEAM program, my students studied “Seasonal change” with Australian students. Here they explored seasonal and time differences between countries, while having conversation about life, art and natural phenomenon around them. Students constructed their explanatory models to explain the seasonal differences between two countries and the geological differences. Students shared the models though online real time conference and online platform.

The 3 face to face conferences during lessons strongly influenced students’ motivations and interests towards learning science. My students keep asking to have this intercultural STEAM lessons again. 

Young Kyu Koo
Should Gaemyung Elementary School


Last May, we had online conferences with Australian students while my students learnt about seasonal changes. My students were very excited, motivated and engaged actively during science lessons.

The science lessons showed their models and outcomes to Australian students. It was a new experience as a science teacher to progress one step further, as science learning can be promoted with integration of intercultural experiences. 

Hyuk Jun Son
Seoul National University Affiliated Elementary School


"As a teacher with a very heavy load, this program didn't take a great deal of time. It was about four or five lessons.


My students really loved the program. They were really excited to be involved. They were excited to have another teacher in the room. They were eager to learn and eager to hear what Dr Chu had to say.


I believe my students are more aware of different cultures now. Seeing another classroom and the other student’s life helped them realize that their lives were very similar. 


Part of teaching is giving students an idea and showing them how concepts cut across, we do this by saying, "remember what we did in ….", the same idea can carry across into science and it helps to build a well-rounded understanding of concepts by showing the children the links between different subject areas" 


Mrs Shannon Mgbemene
Crestwood Public School